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  • #610
    JimD LostB

    If you find the 2 things that make 32, you’ll know right then if the main thing is the same or something different.

    JimD LostB

    I’ll try to give you as much info as I can, without saying yes or no. The only thing I can say is to be physically there. If you’re at the right spot, it will be easy to figure out.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by JimD LostB.
    JimD LostB

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’ll try to answer without saying yes or no. If you’re physically there in the right spot, you will easily know.</p>


    Three hour drive and overnight stay for another look for the “two things”. No luck in the evening search and  we leave early today. Did locate a few places that could be the “proper rest”, one more promising than the others but the “32” is still elusive.


    So… It was a productive day; at least we “think” so 🙂

    We were able to eliminate several places we wanted to check

    Our last area showed significant promise… two things that add to 32, with best option being obvious, and answered my earlier question about the “main thing(s)”. We were able to get a couple quick digs in before we needed to leave, but need to refine the 44 paces and alignment. No grass, but there were rocks in the sand…

    Definitely warrents a closer look LOL

    JimD LostB

    If you’ve found 2 things that add to 32, I’d say that sounds very promising. I can’t say 100% for sure, not being there to see what you’ve found.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by JimD LostB.

    I would post some pictures but it would be too specific/detailed… maybe after another attempt 🙂


    JimD LostB

    Let me know the next time you’re out there if you’re near the 2 things that make 32.


    Will do. Hoping to go soon. 🙂


    I was contemplating going to the beach again today, but it is a 3 hr drive, one way.

    The reason for my hesitation is the clue that states one of the two things ”mark shall stand the test of time”. As stated before, I can understand how the solve might fit, but it would be true about both things, not just one, and for the same reason. The best one to count the paces from is obvious, as it will put you squarely on the open shore, whereas the other will not.

    Just feeling a bit blue not knowing whether to stay home and rest or go out digging…



    Although I could use some outdoor recreation 🙂

    JimD LostB

    The 2 things are different types of things. Only 1 should make sense about its mark standing the test of time. The other probably wont be able to stand the test of time. Also 1 should make sense to be clearly best. If they equal 32, that’s a good starting point. Hope that helps.


    We are here!


    I guess it is back to the solve then (just read your explanation).

    We are at Tolovana Reacreation Center, which is a park/rest area many paces down from Haystack Rock (main thing). There is a sign that has “marker” 16  on it and at the beach entrance is another 16, which you could align with the main thing and do the 44 paces.


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